To Our Students:
I believe that all students in our district should receive the most robust, knowledge-based, traditional education our tax dollars can afford. I will support a learning environment where our students are safe, supported, treated fairly and equally, and inspired to achieve.
To Our School Staff:
I believe that our teachers and staff are the greatest contributing factor to student achievement. I will endorse fair compensation and benefits, a supportive work environment, and training and development opportunities. Teacher recruitment and retention are a priority.
To The Parents:
I believe that parents have the primary responsibility for the education of their children and that the fundamental obligation of our school district is to support that role. I will defend parental rights, encourage involvement, and restore productive dialogue.
To Our Community:
I will continue to engage with our community, promote conversations, improve transparency, and support responsible stewardship of your hard-earned tax dollars. I believe we can build upon our current foundations to provide an exceptional public education to the next generations of our community.