Meet Frank

About Frank

Frank has spent the majority of his life in the St. Charles area.   He was raised in the St. Charles School District graduating from St. Charles High School in 1994, and attended SMSU (now known as MSU) to study business management with an emphasis in entrepreneurship.

Frank and his partner Renee purchased their home within the Wright City School District in 2012 when their oldest child was two.  Their son now attends Wright City West Elementary as a fifth grade student while their daughter attends Wright City East Elementary as a kindergartener.

Frank has been involved with several small businesses throughout the St. Louis metropolitan area, many of which he founded.   He is currently best known for his security business which he founded at the age of 14.  This company specializes in the sale, service, and rigging of safes and bank vault doors.

On The Issues


Well rounded students are the result of a well rounded curriculum, and it starts with the basics:  reading, writing, and arithmetic.  Reports that we are moving away from topics such as writing, spelling, and basic math concepts are troubling to me.  Changes to our grading system are also of concern.  Instead of lowering the bar on educational standards, we should focus on solutions that lift the students.

Student achievement in our district has been overpromised and under-delivered for quite some time.  The Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) tests measure how well students retain knowledge and skills.  Students performing at the BASIC level demonstrate a partial or uneven command of the skills and processes identified in the Missouri Learning Standards.

As of the 2020-2021 school year 67.2% of all grades combined score at the basic level or below in math, 57.5% in English, and 67.5% in science according to DESE.

New High School

The Wright City School District will be asking for a no tax increase bond issue on the very same ballot which my name will appear as a candidate.  This bond will be used to finance the construction of a new high school as well as some modifications to current buildings, at a now reduced estimated cost of $37,000,000.00.  Although I am in favor of expansion, some of the proposed expansion seems excessive in both scope and cost to the taxpayers.  Construction costs are rising and labor shortages are real.  Other area districts have encountered large budget overruns on similar projects.  I believe we should take an in depth look at this project to ensure we are being responsible with the tax dollars we receive from our community,

Teacher Retention And Recruitment

Our teachers are great and we need more just like them!

Wages, location, and employee morale are the primary factors impacting our ability to attract and retain educators.  Current board members have campaigned on this issue for decades, and yet the problem continues to persist.

Every avenue to address these concerns should be explored, including every failed method implemented in the past.

Obscene Literature

I oppose any book, magazine, audio, video, or other material which contains depictions of graphic sex acts or similar obscenities being present within our schools.  The primary purpose of a school’s library is to curate material pertinent to the curriculum of the school.

I am not suggesting that any of these items be banned. To the contrary, access to this information should remain available from public libraries, retailers, and other appropriate sources.


Bullying is a common complaint I hear about our schools.  Perhaps worse than the bullying problem itself are accusations that our district fails to adequately intervene in these situations.  I believe in the strongest possible responses to these situations, and doing so in a timely manner.  We fail both the victims and the bullies themselves when these efforts fall short.

As a board member I will investigate how existing policies can be implemented more effectively, or modified to achieve a better result.


I believe that children are the responsibility of their parents, and that parents should be fully in charge of their health and well being.  It is my opinion that the schools have greatly overstepped their authority and likely made a bad situation worse by ignoring the will of the overwhelming majority of parents within the Wright City School District.  Parents should have full control over whether their children wear masks, attend school in person, or receive any form of medical intervention.   Absent physical symptoms of an illness, our schools had no business excluding students or otherwise discriminating against them.  The return to normalcy was long overdue.

I vehemently oppose any mask or vaccination mandates for both students and staff.


I fully oppose critical race theory and any associated aspects being taught in our schools. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. famously said:  “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”  I believe that any judgment based on the color of one’s skin is racism, that any person of any race can be racist, and that none of this behavior should be condoned within our school system.

An environment that fosters acceptance, respect, and the appreciation of differences is paramount.

Don't decrease your goals. Increase the effort!

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Would you be willing to place a sign in your yard?  Interested in joining us at events?  Do you have time available to participate in door to door campaigning?

Whether you have a passion to work with us as a supporter or simply have a question, use this form to reach out .  We look forward to speaking with you.

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Latest News

Warren County Record - 03/17/22

In school elections, challengers want to focus on parent input

“Challengers Zykan and Dean, meanwhile, were asked about policy positions that they’ve outlined on campaign websites.”

“Zykan, meanwhile, discussed a list of concerns related to financing a new Wright City High School, declining educational outcomes during COVID, and the same conservative cultural issues addressed by Dean. When asked how he would address any of those issues, Zykan broadly said that he would get parents more involved in solutions..”

Warren County Record - 12/09/21

Action in Wright City

“Five people came out to file for two available positions on the Wright City R-II School Board, a highly active start for positions that sometimes don’t get much attention.

Both incumbent board members, Austin Jones and Mary Groeper, came to the school district office to sign up for re-election. Competing with them on the ballot so far are three newcomers: Elizabeth (Beth) Dean, Frank Zykan and Isaac Ovchinikov.”

Get Involved

Attend Board Meetings

For the sake of our students and the Wright City community, we must be involved.  Please consider attending our board meetings where many of these controversial decisions are made.  You can make public comments, simply observe, or support others in attendance who share your concerns.  Board meetings are held the third Thursday of every month at 6:00 PM, usually at the administrative offices located at 90 Bell Rd.  Future board meetings:  December 16th, January 20th, February 17th, March 17th,  and Tuesday April 19th.

Talk To Your Friends And Neighbors

We are a community, and communication is key.  Help spread the word, discuss ideas, and encourage involvement.

Participate In Parent Groups

You are not alone!  There are many other parents who share the same concerns you do when it comes to our children, and our voices are louder as a collective.   You can find Wright City Parents For Change, and WC Parents Against Bullying on Facebook.  If you do not use Facebook let an involved parent know as there are other ways to participate.


You should vote and encourage others to do the same.   There are many important issues on the ballot at a time where there is a notoriously low turn out at the polls.  Let your voices be heard on April 5, 2022.